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IELTS-INTRO-P1-4-new_IELTS-INTRO-P1-3.qxd  24/8/2018  12:50 μμ  Page 2


                      IELTS is the International English Language Testing System. It tests all four language skills:
                      listening, reading, writing and speaking. It is intended for people who want to study or
                      work in an English-speaking country.

                      There are two versions of the test, the Academic and the General Training module.

                      The Academic module is for those who want to study or train in an English-speaking
                      university. University admission to undergraduate and postgraduate courses is based on
                      the results of the Academic test.

                      The General Training module is mainly for those who are going to English-speaking
                      countries to do secondary education or get a job and focuses on basic survival skills in
                      social and workplace environments.

                      The Speaking test is the same for both the Academic and the General Training
                      modules, so this book is appropriate for candidates preparing for either of the two
                      versions of the IELTS exam.

                      The Speaking test consists of a discussion with an examiner and lasts 11 - 14 minutes with

                      three parts. In Part 1, candidates have to answer personal questions about themselves and
                      their families. In Part 2, they have to speak about a topic and in Part 3, they have a longer
                      discussion on the same topic.

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