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Simply-FCE-Schools-pages-1-5_SPEAKING-PET-INTRO-P1-16.qxd  17/12/2014  4:58 µµ  Page 5

                                                  PAPER 3 - LISTENING

                             Part 1                       Part 2               Part 3              Part 4
                3-option Multiple Choice          Sentence completion     Multiple Matching  3-option Multiple Choice
               A series of separate and unrelated   A  monologue lasting   5 short related    An extract lasting
               extracts lasting about 30 seconds each.  3-4 minutes.      monologues lasting   about 3-4 minutes.
                                                                          about 30 seconds

               One question per extract.          Listen to the recording and   For each question,
                                                  complete the sentences.  select the correct
                                                  Questions are asked in the   option from a list of
                                                  order the answers appear   eight.
                                                  on the recording.

               8 questions in total               10  questions           5 questions       7 questions
               [monologues and interactive exchanges]  [a monologue]      [5 monologues]    [an interview or
                                                                                            interactive exchange]

                                                   PAPER 4 - SPEAKING
                                           The Speaking test consists of four parts:

               Part 1  Interlocutor and each Candidate Part 2     Candidate Alone

              l a conversation between the interlocutor and each candidate  l ‘long turn’ for Candidate 1 (Candidate 1 speaks for 1 minute
              l candidates must answer the interlocutor’s questions with  about a pair of photographs) - 4 minutes in total
                basic personal information                        l short response from Candidate 2 (30 seconds)
              l  2 minutes (about 1.5 per candidate)              l ‘long turn’ for Candidate 2 (Candidate 2 speaks for 1 minute
                                                                     about a pair of photographs)
                                                                  l short response from Candidate 1 (30 seconds)
                                                                  l candidates must describe and compare their two
                                                                     photographs and give an opinion

              Part 3  Candidate and Candidate                       Part 4    Interlocutor and Candidates

              l a conversation between the two candidates         l a discussion on topics related to Part 3
              l candidates are given spoken instructions with written stimuli,   l candidates must express and explain their opinions,
                which are used in discussion and decision-making tasks  and agree or disagree with the opinions expressed by
              l Candidates are expected to answer the question by    the other candidate and/or the interlocutor
                exploring the different prompts (2 minutes) and reach a   l 4 minutes
                decision on the best one(s) (1 minute).
              l   4 minutes

                      The Speaking Test lasts around 14 minutes in total. In the event that there is an uneven number of candidates,
                      the final group will be made up of three candidates and their test will last approximately 20 minutes.

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