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P. 11

61-71-i-START Reading  24/10/2017  7:48 μμ  Page 63

                              i-Start                      Cambridge YLE: Starters               Unit              1

                Bill’s Card

              Read about Bill Small. Then answer the questions.

                        This is Bill

                Bill’s family name is Small. Bill has got  Bill’s cat is very old. Her name is Lucy.
                one brother and one sister. His brother’s  Lucy is black and white and she’s got a
                name is Matt. His sister’s name is Alice.   long tail. Lucy doesn’t like Hugo.

                Matt is a baby. Alice is eleven years old  Bill’s fish and mouse are very good
                and Bill is eight years old. They live in a  friends. The fish’s name is Orange and
                house with a big garden.              the mouse’s name is Alex.

                Bill’s family love animals and have a lot  Orange, the fish, and Alex, the mouse,
                of pets. Bill has got a dog, a cat, a fish  are very nice! Bill loves his beautiful
                and a mouse. Bill’s dog is very small.   pets. But his old cat is his favourite pet.
                His name is Hugo.

              Write a name or a number.

                                              Bill Small

                                                     Brother’s name:

                                                     Sister’s name:

                                                     How old:

                                                     Number of Pets:

                                                     Favourite pet:
                                                     Lucy / cat

   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16